
divendres, 5 de juny del 2020

3rd grade (5th June)

Good morning!!! How are you today???

Today we are going to read and listen to the story on pages 38 and 39. " The king Midas"

Important vocabulary:

Greedy, daughter, genie, gold, wish, turn into, king, hairbrush, sad, what's the matter?, hug, change, want, rich.

Answer these questions in the notebook:

1. What does King Midas love?
2. What's the name of his daugther?
3. One day, a genie appears. What's the king Midas wish?
4. Which objects turn into gold?
5. What happens when king Midas touches the Princess Zoe?
6. What does the king Midas learn in the end?
7. Do you like the story? Why?

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