
dimarts, 5 de maig del 2020

5th APRIL (4th Grade)


Today, we will continue with the review of Unit 4 "Jobs and routines". The task for today is the following:

You have to do a short description of your mum's or dad's job, or any other member of your family in your notebook. Finally, you can draw a painting of something related with their profession.

The structure is like this:

                     My mother's job
            Name: My mother is Cristina.
            Age: She is 40 years old.
            Likes: She likes tennis.
            Job: She is a secretary.
            Place: She works in an office.
            Material: She works with documents, a computer, etc.
           Clothes: She doesn't wear a uniform.
           Timetable: She works from 9 to 4 o'clock every day.

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