
dimarts, 19 de maig del 2020

19th May (5th grade)

Good morning!!! We start a new week and we are about to finish the review of unit 6.
Do you remember the dialogue in a shop we did in class before quarantine?

Today you have to complete a conversation in a shop with this interactive activity.

After, you will have to write a short dialogue imagining you are a customer and you want to buy something in a grocery shop (frutería/verdulería).

Shop assistant: Hello, Can I help you ?
Customer: Hello, Can I have ....... , please?
Shop assistant: Yes, here you are! Anything else?
Customer: Yes, Can I have......., please?
Shop assistant: No, sorry. There aren't.
Customer: Ok, then. Can I have...... ?
Shop assistant: Yes, here you are!
Customer. All right, that's all. How much is it?
Shop assistant: It's .... €
Customer: Ok, here you are!
Shop assistant: Thank you!! Bye
Customer: Goodbye!!!

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